Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Catch-up, sort of

It's interesting to go back and read what was in my mind years ago. Since I can't merge my old, sorry, excuse for a blog, im copying my blogs into one blog.



Blustery Day in Little Rock

As always, if you don't like the weather in Little Rock, stick around for 20 minutes... It's bound to change.

When I went to bed last night there was black ice on the roads and the overpasses were not the places to play "Speed Racers." This morning however the only reminders of the cold weather were the grim sky, the damp grass and the slick stairs at our apartment (which believe it or not I haven't fallen on yet).

This morning as I got ready for work (gosh I hope my life-changing money comes soon!) The news was back and forth between Heath Ledger's tragic death and the Clinton/Obama saga. You would think that combined with the weather and the grim news that I would be so down--- but on the contrary it's so wonderful. I've been in good moods more often than not... in fact i was even exctied to go to work the other day!

In anycase I've begun to blog, mainly because i can never remember what has happened in previous days and mainly because i want to remember everything I can for when i have kids. I hate that i never got to get down to the nitty gritty with my mom. There are so many stories that i know she still had to tell.. but that in itself is a story for another day.

Happy Blogging to me and Happy Reading to you. :)


Lazy Sunday
 (I found this quote today, I thought it really suited me.)

So guess what! i am now a total Texas hold 'em junkie! Look out Vegas here i come. I totally took all of Keith's money... you know, gambling is so much more fun when you're winning. I will admit, I can be somewhat of a sore loser.

Nothing else happened today, lazy Sunday and I can't tell you how glad i am because i feel like i haven;t had one of those in awhile. It'll be even worse next Sunday when it's Superbowl. :P


Purple Grape!

I'm auditioning for the role of purple grape


tap tap tappity tap

that is the sound of my fingers drumming waiting for the time to get to 5pm. I think it's never going to happen. I looked at the time like an hour ago and it was 4:20 and it's only 4:25 now.


And you know the worst part is that I'm not going straight home. I'm "backyard-sitting" so I have to go and take care of the fish and the plants for my friend. I seriously hope nothing dies while he's gone. I'm kind of a known fish killer. Gayle left her fish with me and the first night i forgot him at someone's house. Then like a week later Shaka had sushi for dinner... if you catch my drift.

So it has come to my attention that I'm doing a really crappy job of keeping up with the blogging. Anyway, my updates for the time being.

I'm getting married! YAY.
Rachel's getting married in two weeks! YAY

The end.

Actually it's not but I'm too lazy to think right now. I don't even remember what inspired me....... oh Vadiay did. She and her craziness with the taxistas - her information sources.

Okay, back to work... tap tap tap tappity tap tap.




So its Friday and I suddenly feel super old. I'm on the couch watching a movie. granted, I ve been sick. but still I should be 25 at the club having a fabulous time...but you know I don't really want to be out. god, I don't know what I want... mmmm... maybe something sweet. we cooked an apple pie ... no we didn't bake it... oooooh with some ice cream! yeah! my night has suddenly gotten better...yummy ice cream! (you know... for my throat and all since I'm sick... you know...)


Life Happened
So... um... life has happened since my last post.

Rachel was married (yay!).

I was married (yay!)

We bought a house (yay!)

Friendships lost, made & rekindled

And I fulfilled my original purpose for starting this blog - I had a BEE-U-TEE-FUL baby!

It has been an unbelievable since my last period. There has been a mixture of good and bad, successes and challenges but I'm still here. I'm breathing.

The most exciting and amazing life-altering moment was that my daughter (my daughter!) Erin Alexis Rancifer was born. She is perfect in every way. I know parent's say that but I'm telling the truth.